The Space beyond a Personal Space (E-1)

Once I was reading an article, which was on relationships and life philosophies. While reading the article, I came to know about a new and hidden concept in relationships, that attracted me. I was bewildered and could not decide the end. I would like to share the story with you.

The article depicted a very strong relationship between the two characters Siddh and Mukku. They know each other since childhood and coincidentally meet after a long time. They get a chance to know each other and find that their likes, dislikes and ideologies are very similar. Soon they become good friends and in a short span of time, their friendship converts into a love relationship. They are from distant cities but manage to meet many times. They even meet alone and enjoy personal intimacy too. They share their lighter moments, problems, family matters, aims and dreams with each other. Siddh's dream is to buy a brand sedan car and Mukku's biggest ambition is to fly to a foreign country. 

Everything was going smoothly in their relationship. But one fine day Siddh sees some pictures of Mukku on her social site account where she is at airport with her family and caption on the images is 'travelling to Switzerland'. Siddh is stunned to see the pictures, his blood dries, he loses his words but manages to control himself. He is happy to see that Mukku is going to fulfill her biggest dream, but at the same time he is shattered to see that why Mukku didn't tell him about this, even they had a chat just two days back. Mukku comes back from her foreign trip after five days and calls Siddh, but he doesn't reply her. Mukku calls him repeatedly. After few days, he again receives a call from Mukku. This time Siddh picks her call in despair and asks the same question. Mukku simply replies, "my trip was just a surprise to all and same for you, what's wrong in that, Siddh". This reply of Mukku broken Sidhh from inside, the way she delineated him, showing no difference in him and the other people. He controls himself anyhow and tells her that, if they can't share their such big life moments, then relationship will seem fake and loses its relevance. He becomes highly upset and tells Mukku that it would be difficult for him to survive in such a relationship. Now, what the Mukku replies, "Why should I tell you that, Siddh? I have my own personal life and personal Space too. It's on me what I should share and what I shouldn't. Who are you to ask me that? It's fine that we are together but my foreign trip was just a surprise for all, to see, who are happy and who are jealous with my success. I feel, you are jealous to me." Siddh is speechless, he is confused to understand, which personal space Mukku is talking about, her hidden Personal Space beyond their relationship. He is not able to decide which face of Mukku is real, the older one where they both shared all the moments of life, or the newer one where she talks about her own personal space and being selective.

Here we see the difference in the ideologies of both the characters. Mukku is able to keep a part for herself even out of their relationship, but Siddh thinks that Mukku is a part of his personal space. Siddh feels that in close relationships, we should share every moment with partner, but at the same time, Mukku feels that we can be selective in sharing. The problem is with Sidhh, he is unable to understand the space beyond a personal space. He has a thought that if we maintain a space from our love partner, then relationship doesn't remain true and intense. 

This is a hidden and new concept of changing psychology of the people in relationships. We have to accept these changes. It's the time for Siddh to wake-up and go with the flow of this new world. Siddh and Mukku are still friends but their concept of personal space is still unresolved.
