Magic of Inspiration

Our ideology and actions play an important role in attaining glory that we dream-of. We look for something exciting that can stimulate our mind and enlighten our inner spark. We find this divine power in the form of our Inspiration. 
Inspiration can be a feeling, person or a thing that excites us to do something beyond our reach. It is the biggest motivating factor that helps you to meet your dreams, feel real happiness and add adventurer in life. It remains with you always and holds your hand when you feel down and alone. It works beyond your imagination.

When life is at a stage of responsibilities, work is the only priority, remaining busy is the only choice, people around are talking only about family, money and future, then Inspiration comes and talks to you, asks you to smile and advises you to spare fun-time out of your run-time.

When you are stressed and waiting for cronic time to pass, fed up with the freaky treatments and stale routine, fearing of losing charm, searching for a new fame, then your Inspiration appears from the dark, asks you about your health, revives you to give you a new ray of hope, discusses on new projects and light up your path to fly you high.

When you are in a tiresome long journey, the only aim is to reach destination, no more thoughts left to discuss with heart and brain,  looking out of the window with blank eyes, then your Inspiration rings a bell to wake you up, to break the silence of your mind, to make you feel that someone invisible is also travelling with you, feeling the same pain and joy of your journey.

When you are tired, take a sound sleep and don't want to get up early,  have nothing to do around, don't want to leave cosy comfort, then your Inspiration calls and ask you in the desert to look out of the window, to feel the warmth of the morning sun rays and recharges you to begin one more special day.

When you run breathlessly to catch your lorry, you are out of time, no chance to reach, no chance to catch, but your Inspiration gives you wings, empower with strength, makes you feel that nothing wrong can happen with you, time itself do some management, and finally you catch your lorry at last minute.

Inspiration is the power that guides your fate to take U-turn, let you meet what was left in the past, what you never expected. It takes you to a dreamland of imagination, the world of fantasy, where you forget everything, you don't look back, and a rainbow of mesmerizing colours spreads in your world.

When you get stuck in your relations, indecisive mind, fully stressed, no way to come out, no one understands you, your relationship management sucks, you are left with no options but to kill your principles, your esteem, then your Inspiration fixes appointment with you, guides you to reach a positive and impactful decision, to break the ice in relations and backs you up, to be you as always.
There can be so many incidents when you feel the impact of your Inspiration how it pushes you to do, that you don't even think to do. It turns you to be dynamic, charismatic and overjoyed with positive energy. Inspiration may not be in your control, but you succeed only by a thought of it. 
